Obs best recording settings for mac
Obs best recording settings for mac

obs best recording settings for mac

obs best recording settings for mac

Make sure your computer is up to date to handle the processing power of video, audio, and any plugins you may be running. If you are still having latency/lag issues with the stream it might be the computer. Many DAWs have an area where they show delay compensation or sample latency. If you are routing through a DAW make sure you don’t have any high latency plugins activated such as processor heavy reverbs, gates, limiters not in low latency mode, and others I would highly recommend using an Audient interface as they have very stable drivers. It should automatically adjust, but some interfaces don’t always cooperate. Make sure that the sample rate is set to either 44.1 or 48khz as live streams won’t be at higher sample rates. If you are connecting directly into the streaming computer make sure the buffer settings on your interface are as low as possible (often 32 or 64 samples).

obs best recording settings for mac

Here are some tips that can help you get the best quality stream for your audience. Many musicians have Macs and may want to stream directly from their DAW to get easy access to plugins and easier mix settings.FIt’s not as simple as pressing record on a DAW. Lately though, there is a surge of musicians live streaming on both twitch and youtube. Most live streamers are gamers, so many of the programs available are geared toward that demographic. The best programs are PC exclusive.I use Stream Labs OBS, which is a very straight forward and easy to use program.

#Obs best recording settings for mac mac os

One of the biggest ones is that a Mac OS won’t be suitable to get the most out of live streaming. If you are interested in live streaming there are many things that are different about audio than a typical podcast or recording environment (if you don’t have any gear or a setup, please feel free to read my article on podcasting here). Why is live video streaming so popular these days? First it builds a great connection with your fanbase through live chat and second you don’t have to edit anything (or pay someone to do that).

Obs best recording settings for mac